Creative Director: Raúl Rubio Munárriz
Art Director: José Luis Vaello Bertol
Senior Producer: Remy Chinchilla
Lead Artists: Luis Miguel Vieira Belerique, Óscar Cuesta García de Leonardo
Lead Animator: Sandra Christensen
Lead Audio & Composer: David García Díaz
Lead Designer: Kevin Sardá Pérez
Lead Programmer: Carlos Mª Vázquez García
QA Manager: Andrés Berral Martín

Based on an original idea by: José Luis Vaello Bertol
Written by: Rob Yescombe & Raúl Rubio Munárriz


César Martínez Álvaro, Verónica Rubio Diarte, Javier González Barreiro, Simón Remis García, David Seoane Gómez
Additional Art Direction: Luis Miguel Vieira Belerique, Óscar Cuesta García de Leonardo
Technical Art: Pablo Ariel Fernández Gómez
Concept Art: Elías Miguel Sánchez López, Zoe Nguyen Cohen
VFX: Simon Trümpler, Simón Remis García, Félix Menéndez, Carl Luc Campbell
Additional Art: Alberto Velázquez Pajuelo, Enrique Fernández Peláez, Peter Boehme
Preproduction Lead Artist: Abel Oroz Vicente


Miguel Ángel Castillo López, Ricardo Puertas Mures, David Notivoli Díez
Rigger: Jeremiah Grant


Original Score Composed & Performed by: David García Díaz
Sound Design & Voice of Enu: Mirella Díez Morán
Voice of Nana (Lullaby): Silvia Guillem Cofreces


David Canela Lagunas, Manuel Mendiluce Gil de Sagredo, Miguel Santorum González, Sandro Bernabé Sánchez, Adrián Yagüe Martir, Alejo Silos Leal
Additional Lead Designer: Jan Nicklas Andersen
Additional Design: Anna Marsh, Jurie Horneman, Sergey Mohov, Jaime Peral Romero
Preproduction Design: Juan Fernández de Simón, Luis Fernando Sánchez García, José Ramón Díaz Martín


Estefanía Salcedo Codes, Francisco Javier Serrano García, Juan San Miguel Vacas, Concepción Nuñez Montes de Oca, Roberto Carlos Fernández Gerhardt, Federico Guillermo Prado Enrico, Mario Rodríguez Palomino
Co-Programming: Mario Palmero Pavón
Additional Programming: Che Lalic, Alfonso Comín Rodríguez


Ultimate Unsung Heroine & Executive Producer: Luz Mª Sancho Rodríguez
Executive Producers: Risa Cohen, Raúl Rubio Munárriz
Associate Producer: Miguel Paniagua Rubio

Quality Assurance

Sebastián Pico Duján


Chairwoman: Luz Mª Sancho Rodríguez
CEO & Creative Director: Raúl Rubio Munárriz
Executive Producer: Risa Cohen
Marketing Manager & Business Development: Térence Mosca
Finance Director: Guillermo Arias Nuño
Legal Counsel & Lawyer: Blas Sancho Rodríquez
Accounting Manager & Office Administrator: Mª Isabel Gil Calero
PR Manager :José Herráez Hidalgo-Saavedra
IT: Casimiro González Serradilla
Accountant: Jesús Porras García

Thanks to our Playtesters

Alejandro Martínez Bravo, Ángel Luis Sucasas, Mario García Lázaro, Zulema Laplana, Sergio Checa, Carlos Zarzuela, Carlos Fraguas Pizarro, Carlos Hernández Machicado, Marcos Santorum, Susana Arias Nekkers, Emma Arias Nekkers, Aitor, Raúl Mellado Arias, Bruno Torijano Bueno, César Monterde Escudero, Marcos Mª Vázquez Bernardos, Enrique Ventura, Daniel Olay, Javier Sánchez de Rojas Fayo, Felipe López Alamillo, Victor Mendiluce Gil de Sagredo, Javier Paniagua Rubio, Victoria Amparo Pérez Escrivá, Marcos Vendrell Añó, Laura Ronquillo Muñoz, Eric Cerdà Pérez, Roger Vila Crespo, Juan Albero Sanchis, Isabel Pérez Catalán, Rubén Álvarez Segura, Maite Zamora Munt, Marc Muller, Yu-Chung Chen, Aurélie Chartrain, Pablo Rubio Munarríz,

Special Thanks

Akira Yamaoka, Rafael Garrido Viro, Jesús Manuel Martínez González, David Miranda Gutiérrez, Jaime Peral Romero, Claus Praefcke,
Maik Semder, Leonardo Barbero González, Fredrik Henriksson, Johan Niklas Wennersten, Norman Schaar Orive, Alejandro Cosín Ayerbe de Aragón, Juan Antonio Guerrero Ortiz, Jeff Hilbert, Mat Morlock, Martijn van Doom, Thomas Puha, Farhad Taherazer, Sampo Lappalainen, Chris Porthouse, Rob Precious, Martin Ekdal, Sara Eriksson, Mark Wherrett, Martin Turton, Andrew Newton, Tim Sweeney, Dana Cowley, Zak Parrish, Shahid Ahmad, Pete Smith, Roberto Yeste, Shuhei Yoshida, Michael Denny, Mark Stanley, Timo Ullmann, Chris Charla, David Díaz Patrón, Virgilio Echauri Jiménez, Matt Nickerson, Tameem Antoniades, Barry Meade, Indie Burger Developer, Linn Sovig, Peter Wingaard Meldahl, Ole Ibar Rudi, David Fernández Huerta, Danny Araya, Alfonso Azpiri, Lee Petty, Nathan Stapley, Gōichi Suda, Massimo Guarini, Willms Mr. Giallo, Gianni Ricciardi, Agostino Simonetta, Kim Swift, Greg Rice, Tim Schafer, Charles & Jim Griffiths, Tom Lansdale, Jonny Hopper, Sean Murray, Grant Duncan, Innes McKendrick, Ryan Doyle, DDM GAME STUDIO REPRESENTATION LLC, EPIC Games, UMBRA, GEOMERICS, SIMPLYGON

Very Special Thanks

Gray Daniels
Unsung Heroes: Alex Chapman, Alex Tutty
Believers: Joe Minton, Matt Ballesteros, Christian Svensson, Maarten de Koning, Mike Gamble, Bradley Crooks

Everyone at Tequila Works
And all Tequila Works’ Hellworkers, Family, Loved Ones and Friends

In Memoriam

Timoteo Pablo Rubio Escribano, cada final es un nuevo comienzo
Rufino the Gatekeeper
Joaquín de Luna, donde quiera que esté
Gabriela Pena. Thanks for the parties, the AD&D afternoons and for being you. You left too soon but your memory will always be with me
Benjamín Prado Fernández, Ana Maria Pelli and Juan Carlos Enrico. You will always be remembered  
To Grandparents and their lost stories
En memoria de mis abuelos y familia que desgraciadamente ya no estan entre nosotros
Gus, que siempre tuvo los ojos más puros de nuestro peludo hogar
Lala, por ser una maravillosa persona y una buena madre
Pedro, mi padre, por su enorme e inolvidable legado
Pelusa mi amigo de cuatro patas y orejas largas
A toda la gente con la que me gustaría pasar más tiempo pero no puedo. A todos con los que me gustaría haber pasado más tiempo pero ya nunca podré
A mi madre, María
Adrienne Marie Felix-Edmond
To all who are grieving with loss

Chupetes de Tequila

Raúl Rubio Sancho, Elsa García Romero, Iria Martínez Lozano, Juan Ignacio Guerrero Gil, Oliver Chinchilla Chartrain, Erik Salcedo Pérez, Daniel Canela Martín, Eva Notivoli Pascual, Álex Serrano Galindo, Lara Mª Vázquez Bernardos, Martina Prado Silvestre, Rafael Fernández Herrero

With Gratitude

In Homage to Silvia whose unforgettable voice guided us in the Midst of Darkness towards our Dreams
A nuestros Familiares, Amigos, Almas Gemelas y quienes creyeron en RiME, pero sobre todo a los que no pues ellos nos dieron el coraje para continuar
A los Mayores, a mi Pequeño y La Luz que nos guía, Pablo Rubio Jiménez, Guadalupe Munárriz García, Pablo Rubio Munárriz
A Eliezer Morales Martin, Gloria Gil de Sagredo y Andrés, mis sobrinos Victor y Álex Mendiluce Cobos, a los Picuetto’s, Prao Perrilla y al Club Fiat Coupé ¡Sois los mejores!
A mis tres pares de alas sabias: Kiko, Tita y Auryn
A Mar Marcos, Marcos Santorum y a Mum & Dad por traerme hasta aquí
To Maria. For all the laughs and the long walks, in the past years and in the ones to come
A mi mujer Vicky, Blanca, Laura y Alex, mi hermano y mis padres que han hecho posible que este aquí
To Isa and my family, for supporting me so much in all my crazy projects. We finally have a fox at home!
A Renata y Rafael, Laura,José Luis y Brigitte, Ramiro, Mireya, Ana Regina y Tamara, Rodrigo, Pernilla y Saga, Hippo y Grissini, mis compañeros y amigos y especialmente a mi abuela Frieda
A mi peque y a mi bolita
To Martina. The hidden treasure of my adventures. The brighter star in my constellation. The solace in my journey
Para los que nunca se rindieron
A mis niñas Iria y Dara y a mi compañera de viaje, Mónica. Sois mi inspiración
A Nagore Arce García por su apoyo
Dedicado a toda mi familia  y pareja que tanto me han apoyado
A mis amigos y familiares, en especial a Daniela y Ana, mi madre, porque gracias a ella he seguido el camino que me ha llevado hasta aquí
A mis Viejos
A Raspa, que lleva mi corazón en todas sus espinas. A Javi Potter por ser el Paladín. A mis padres, antes o después iremos a cenar a la madriguera del conejo
To my wonderful wife, thanks for all the love, support and patience. Love you Gigi 🙂
To Isabel, Marcos, Lara and the rest of my family that has suffer with me and has suffered all my absences. Also to all these other beloved people, you know who you are #1
A Pilar y Penélope por todo, cada día. A Patty por aguantar la presión y estar a mi lado. A Tequila Works y todos mis compañeros por este viaje maravilloso. A Sebi. A RiME. Os quiero
A mi madre, Rosa, que nunca se ha rendido y que nunca me dejó hacerlo a mí
A Papá, Mamá, Nene, Moli, David y al resto de mis compis de proyecto
A mi familia, patos, caléndulos, y sobre todo a mis compis de Tequila, con los que he compartido muchas horas de risas y esfuerzo, y que han dado lo mejor de sí mismos para que RiME sea posible
Con Rime nació mi pequeño Erik y a él se lo dedico
A mi familia y amigos por creer siempre en mí. Mis padres, Chimo y Paqui por seguir queriéndome como a un niño. La gente maravillosa de Tequila. Y mi querida Laura, la chica con la que me voy a casar
To Jean-Claude, Risa, Sacha and Rosie, you inspire me every day to be my best, I love you
Dedicado a mis hermanos de LT y LQA. ¡Viva la vieja escuela, abajo el imperio del mal!
Gracias a mis amigos y familia por hacer que, incluso en los días más duros, merezca la pena seguir creyendo, porque realmente merece la pena
A Cova, por apoyarme en todo momento, darme fuerza para luchar por mis sueños y no rendirme en los malos momentos
For my Mama, my bro, my cat and the Future!
Thanks a lot to my wife Marian and my little boy Ricardo, for the great patience and love that they gave while lasted the project
A mi familia y amigos, a los cachopínes del amiguete del Simón, a la tortilla de casa Dani y a Soria
A la famille Chinchilla, Jean-Michel, Laurette et Marc pour leur soutiens. Et tout particulièrement à Aurélie pour son support et amour au quotidien, sans lequel ce ne n’aurait pas pu être possible. À Oliver pour être là, et illuminer de bonheur nos journées et nos nuits
Thanks a lot to my wife Marian and my little boy Ricardo, for the great patience and love that they gave while lasted the project
To the Beautiful Trista Smith
A todas las Cosas Buenas
A Magdalena y su Tropa de Noche
A mi marido Raúl por embarcarnos en su aventura de construir mundos maravillosos y a nuestro hijo Raúl por ser nuestro mundo maravilloso
A la luz y brisa del Mediterráno
To you and your passion, hope and patience


Graphic Design, UI & Good Taste: Marc Sans Rius, Óscar Perales Armengol

Stage Clear Studios, S.L.

Alfredo «Fredo» Gutiérrez, Patricio González Sevilla, Ana Burell Pérez, Anxo Sotelo Pérez, Enrique Orrego Franco, Daniel Martínez Bofarull, Daniel Santos Fonseca

Next Limit Technologies, S.L.

Technical Director: Agustín Conde
Technical Artist: Carlos Giraldo
Business Development: Gustavo Liévano
Support & Quality: Luis Miguel Mora
R&D Team: Emilio Santalla
R&D Team: Nuria Suárez
CTO & Co-Founder: Ignacio Vargas


Art Director/Lead: Laurent Dury
Environment Artist: Tristan Faure


General Manager: Adam Piesiak
Business Development Director: Pawel Grzywaczewski
Director of Account Management: Pawel Ziajka
Account Managers: Marta Olejniczak, Jakub Trudzik
Japanese Relations Manager: Nanako Sugiyama
Director of Development: Slawomir Bubel
Project Manager: Grzegorz Hodala
Lead Programmers: Mateusz Buda, Tomasz Mazurek
Programmers: Piotr Caryk, Maciej Celmer, Mateusz Jakubowski, Marian Jarmoszko, Michal Kubicki, Lukasz Lozinski, Markus Pursche, Krzysztof Wojdon
Data Administrator: Krzysztof Papiernik, Tomasz Szachnowski
Lead of Design: Pawel Chrapka
Design: Piotr Biarda, Gawel Ciepielewski, Pawel Pysiak
Lead Artist: Piotr Michalak
2D Artist Lead: Agnieszka Szajewska
2D Artists: Magdalena Kania, Marta Woznowska
Enviro Artists: Marcin Domanski, Dominik Kosicki
FX Artists: Krzysztof Hajduk, Marek Siewior
Director of Localization: Michal Cegielka
Localization Project Manager: Alan Orman, Maciej Polak
DEV Support Coordinator: Tomasz Goscicki
Senior Development Support Specialists: Emil Andrzejewski, Hubert Szulc, Jakub Wicik
Development Support Specialist: Jakub Lorent
Junior Development Support Specialists: Piotr Milewski, Marta Szymanska, Rafal Tyc
Director of Quality Assurance: Sergiusz Slosarczyk
QA Project Managers: Jakub Dudkowski, Marcin Gorniak
QA Lab Managers: Lukasz Miroslawski, Pawel Strzelczyk
QA Team Leaders: Jacek Fajfer, Piotr Januszka
Compliance Engineers: Ewa Angielska, Rafal Dabrowski, Karolina Jagnyziak, Pawel Jaskolski, Adam Kopczynski, Jan Nowakowski
QA Testers: Szymon Fratczak, Patryk Koc, Dominika Kowalska, Mateusz Koziarz, Konrad Kozlowski, Grzegorz Lewinski, Bartosz Maciejewski, Klaudyna Mikolajczyk, Ahmed Nasir, Robert Nguyen, Wojciech Olszewski, Michal Pogorzelec, Aleksandr Potapenko, Marta Rudna, Zuzana Sokolova, Jan Starosz
Localization QA Testers: Sofiane Boukoffa, Sascha Brand, Denis Didenko, Ali El Sabeh, Roberto Hongo, Sebastian Kwika, Piotr Mugerman, Angela Pellegrino, Abel Perez Abalde, Maya Takeuchi, Pablo Venzke Avila
Translation and proofreading: QLOC S.A.

Grey Box

Executive Producer: Gray Daniels

Six Foot

CEO: Matt Ballesteros
COO: Christian Svensson


Executive Director of Production: Josh Maida
Director of production: Frank Lucero
Producer: Cody Bradley
Associate Producer: Matt Moore
Production Coordinator: Matt Worrell


Executive Director of Publishing: Kyla Kennedy
Publishing Project Manager: Michael Lambaco
Director of Marketing: Greg Rosenfeld
Brand Manager: Andrew Schnorr
Marketing Coordinator: Brad Peters
Event Manager: Brandon Brunson
Director of Community: Loic Claveau
Community Specialist: Tim Slager
Community/Streamer Relations Manager: Forrest Raynard
Copywriter: Jason Searcy
Sr. Localization Manager: Matt Coburn


Executive Creative Director: Tony Medrano
Creative Project Manager: Ammy Sriyunyongwat
Art Director: Nick Kay, Will Smith
FX Artist: Brad Weckman


Executive Director of Technology: Paul Shaw
Technical Manager: Marcel Macaulay
Technical Project Coordinator: Kat Peacock
Sr. Dev Ops Engineer: Matt Smith
Dev Ops Engineer: Sam Caswell

Quality Assurance

Director of Quality Assurance: Mike Burghart
QA Manager: Drew Montgomery
Associate QA Manager: Mike McGehee
Submissions Manager: Ray Mitchell
QA Lead: Nico Amezquita
Compliance Tester: Andrew Raabe, Nathaniel Sinn
Senior Functional QA Tester: Chris Lyerly, Page Jones
Functional QA Tester: Alexandria Mack, Benjamin Walton, Brooke Chapman, Isyle Labrador, Jaimie Escamilla, Jeremy Hetwitt, Justin Lightbody, ,Mischa Macaulay, Quinn Laughlin, Samantha Woods, Tyler Allen, Vivian Nguyen
QA Intern: Adam Owczarek, Isabella Nobile, Phoebe Diep

Customer Support

Director of Customer Support: Dylan Servantes


Partner, Principal: BobbyWare
Director of Operations: Elizabeth Summerlin
General Counsel: Zola Salako
Assistant General Counsel: Lauren Cordray
Paralegal: Catrina Owino
Controller: Elle Wiens
Assistant Controller: Jennifer May
Talent Acquisition Manager: Al Short
Recruitment Specialist: Karen LeBlanc
Payroll & Benefits Specialist: Stephanie Saldivar


Director of IT: Ernie Neumann


VP, Platform: Jeff Andrews
Technical Director: Oliver Wilkerson
Senior Producer – Software Development: Monique Martin

Six Foot LA

Vice President, Six Foot LA: Mike Romo
Director of Marketing – Six Foot: Jen Gallego

Six Foot Europe GmbH

Managing Director: Markus Windelen
CRM Manager: Janis Kitzhofer
European Community Manager: Timo Cerny

Six Foot Would Like to Thank

DDM: Joe Minton, Maarten de Koning
Crucial Path: Dirk Metzger, Sven Schmidt, Evelyn Reina
Fuller Game Production: Keith Fuller

Legal Assistance

Seth Steinberg, Alex Chapman, Alex Tutty

«La Canción del Mar» (Lullaby)

Written & Performed by: David García Diaz
Vocals Performed by: Silvia Guillem Cofreces
Love and Gratitude by Tequila Works

“Forgotten City”

Written by: Lindsey Stirling and Stephen Anderson
Performed by Lindsey Stirling
Produced by: Stephen Anderson
Courtesy of: Lindseystomp Music

RIME ® and © 2017. Game and Software © 2017, Tequila Works, SL. RIME and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive
likenesses thereof are the exclusive property of Tequila Works, SL. and used under exclusive license.
Published and distributed by GREY BOX and Six Foot, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. Unreal® Engine.
Copyright 1998-2017, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
Uses Umbra © 2017 by Umbra Software Ltd. www.umbrasoftware.com
Uses Simplygon™. Copyright © 2013 Donya Labs AB.
Copyright in the ENLIGHTEN is owned by or licensed to Geomerics Limited. All rights reserved.
ENLIGHTEN is a trademark or registered trademark of Geomerics Limited or its affiliates.
Grey Box and the Grey Box logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Redux! Games, LLC in the United States of America and elsewhere.
Six Foot and the Six Foot logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Six Foot, LLC in the United States of America and elsewhere. 
All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Creatum Gustum

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